Unleashed movie review

I'm suprised that this wonderful movie has gotten the poor reviews that it has. Take this for example:

Unleased at the Boston Globe

Unleashed is certainly the best fight flick I've ever seen, with the possible exception of Hero. There are several aspects of the film to like, from the story of awakening and redemption to the intricate fight scenes (including some wonderful close quarters choreography and filming).

What the reviewers who say that Danny merely gets a new owner have missed is that we are only seening the beginning of Danny's recuperation. He begins to see his own humanity, which is wonderful. we the audience also get a strong dose of morality - strength does not lie a man's ability to fight, but in his ability to control himself.

Watching this movie, I really cared for Li's character as someone with so much potential just waiting to be set free. Even a small glimpse of that was refreshing. I'd like to see a sequel and Danny further along his path.

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