Nude pics land Yahoo in trouble > Yahoo is in trouble for some nude photos a member posted of a 3rd party. This is an interesting case because it could shape the internet services landscape. This seems to be a case where the man violated Yahoo's acceptible use policy, and Yahoo failed to enforce that policy. So really this is about Yahoo's enforcement.

And yet, in a way this is a bit like graffiti - Yahoo has the wall, and someone else paints a swastika on it, say. The Jews of the community are offended (rightly so) and ask Yahoo to clean their own wall. It's not Yahoo's fault the swastika is there, but it is up to the owner of the wall to remove it.

While both the analogy and the actal case are clear cut, there are shades of gray that make this a difficult path to start walking down. This means that acceptable use policy enforcment costs could go up, which means there will be less walls to write on (for good or ill). I don't like that outcome.

Ideally you give people the tools to deal directly with each other. Obviously her ex-boyfriend was an asshole, and would not have listened to her. What about suing him to take down the images and for damages? He may not have the money to give her a few million, but at least she can fix the primary problem.

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