Perhaps I don't understand Landseer's purpose with this piece. It was commissioned to depict "subjects connected with the chase". If I was a landed gentry sipping brandy in the House of Lords gazing on this piece, how on Earth would it inspire me to go out and kill a stag of my own? "My word, what a majestic beast; shall we go out and kill one of our own?" "Old boy, what a capital idea. I shall have my man make the arrangements."
I think the disturbing thing is that it's use as corporate logo fits quite neatly with how *I* see the piece: it is an example of certain fine qualities: strength, vigor, majesty, with perhaps a touch of arrogance but guided by a certain deep wisdom. In addition, the painting is percieved today as quite traditional with strong undertones of conservativism, stability, and reliability.
(Glenfiddich using this princely beast as a logo disturbs me less than Citibank using the Rolling Stones "I'm Free" to sell consumer credit or Cadillac using Led Zeppelin ("Misty Mountain Hop"?) to sell cars.
What's up with those classic rocker sellouts anyway? Gee whiz, it's one thing to have 99% of baby boomer hippies turn Republican, but it's quite another when even their iconic standard bearers sell out to The Man. When Joni Mitchell's "Pave paradise" is used non-ironically in an Caterpillar ad, my disappointment will be complete.)
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