Optimizing the Build Test Debug (BTD) loop

Ran across JavaRebel today. Glad to know there are people out there as frustrated with slow BDT loops as I am. JavaRebel is Hotswap on steroids. I look forward to trying it out with the JBoss/Hibernate/80 Mavenized projects they've got going on at youmail.com.

The ZeroTurnaround site has a short article on doing webapp development with JavaRebel. I actually had no idea you could do symlinks in Windows! Indeed, I downloaded sysinternal's junction.exe utility, and was off and away creating symlinks. Very cool.


Steve Jenson said...

I use JavaRebel daily for my Scala web development. It makes a huge difference!

I actually got a chance to meet Jevgeni yesterday at the scala unconference, his blog is over at dow.ngra.de

josh said...

Very cool. I've just started getting a sense of him, and so far have been quite impressed. It actually feels good to spend $150 on JavaRebel because I know *precisely* who's pizza I am buying. :)